Monday, June 8, 2009

Things to consider when joining a MLM company

There is a stigma out there about MLM companies and that is that people think all of them are scams. The reason for this is because many people are unable to do as well as they had imagined they would when they first started. This could be because they joined a bad company, joined a company too late, or just did not put in the effort to do well. To avoid joining up with a bad company, here are some things to consider and what they mean relative to efusjon. Many of these words are taken from an individual with real life experience in the network marketing business:

1) What is the company selling? What is their product, and is there a good market for? Is it something that can be widely used by both men and women of all ages? You want to make sure there is a good market for the product and that what it offers is superior to other similar products.

Energy drinks make up a roughly 6 billion dollar industry, with a 56% growth from 2006 to 2007, and another 29% on top of that from 2007 to 2008. It's estimated that by 2011 or 2012, the industry should blow up to 9 billion. Efusjon is a nutritional energy drink that is made from all natural ingredients, with no preservatives or additives that are found in most other energy drinks on the market such as guarana, taurine, and caffeine. It's also got less calories and sugar than its counterparts, being made from the acai berry which is known for its natural abundance of antioxidants, provides natural energy and acts as a dietary supplement as well. The bottom line is, the efusjon drink was created with the mindset of a healthy lifestyle, providing healthy energy through the properties of all natural ingredients. It is a drink that is accessible by young, active people as well as older people looking for a healthy alternative to coffee.

2) Take a look at the company itself. Who is on the management team? Do they have a proven track record? Is the company financially solid? It's important to know that the company you align yourself with has a skilled management team who will make wise decisions and lead the company in the right direction. You don't want your company to be one of the many network marketing companies that fall apart, taking many peoples' dreams with them.

The efusjon company is a new company, but is founded by people from all walks of life who understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the potential of the human spirit. Robert Towles - President and Co-Founder of the efusjon company. R.S. Edwards - Vice President of Business Operations and Co-Founder. Marc Sharpe - Vice President of Marketing and Co-Founder. Kenny Gilmore - Vice President of Public Relations and Co-Founder. Keith Dillon - Vice President of Business Development. In addition to more than a combined 75 years of experience in the network marketing business between these individuals, a figure with large clout stands behind this product and the men behind it, very actively promoting among a circle of famous and influential people down in Hollywood. This person is Derek Broes, Senior Vice President at Paramount Pictures Studios, a man who had a hand in creating the hugely successful Skype, and was a top programmer at Microsoft. He is the man who will be creating the Facebook app that is set to launch very soon. Once this app hits, the efusjon name will be open to the 200 million folks who are on Facebook, more than half of which can't live without checking their updates at least once a day lol. One of the reasons why it is a good idea to join up before the masses of people do to ensure your position among the first.

3) The Compensation Plan. Although you aren't likely to attract new prospects simply because of the great compensation plan offered by a company, it is important to know how your efforts will be compensated. Is there pressure to front-load new distributors? Can a distributor make a decent income with part-time effort? Does the plan promote depth or width? Does the compensation plan foster teamwork?

Efusjon's Community Matrix Overlap structure is the first of its kind, founded by the founder of the efusjon company itself, Robert Towles. It's very simple to get involved. All you need is to tell three (3) people about this great opportunity. That is your first level of compensation in your downline. When they sign up, they just need to tell three more, your second level in the plan. Three more from those three, and on and on. The compensation plan pays up to level 15, with a maximum potential of gathering 65,535 people under your belt! At 4.25% of sales volume of every one of those people, this is an incredible opportunity to earn a substantial amount of passive income. The overlap comes in when the people next to you on the same level also gather people in their downline. Because they are expanding right next to you, their downline becomes your downline! So even if you are gathering at a slow but steady pace, and the person next to you is gathering people at an incredible rate, you will be compensated for their effort as well! The compensation plan is designed to benefit everybody in the matrix, as we are helping each other fulfill our goals.

4) The Team. It is important to be a part of a team that will help you achieve the success you want. The most important thing you should consider about the team you will join is the level of integrity they exhibit.

When you join efusjon, you are joining a team of like minded individuals who are energetic and enthusiastic in helping each other reach their goals. There is no place for dubious persons who fraud others into joining a program with little chance of success (a la "give us your info and others and if you get XX amount of people we'll send you an ipod touch for free!"). There are members everywhere who are willing to help each other succeed. They help you help them help you help everybody.

A final word of advice. Oftentimes, many people assume that once they join a MLM, they can just sit back and make an easy profit without doing much work. A month or two later, by the time they realize that they're going nowhere, they end up quitting and labeling the program as a scam. You will only perform as well in a MLM company as the amount of work you put in to make it happen. There really is no reason for anybody to do poorly in a legit MLM company. If things don't turn out the way you want, it's not the company or the product itself, but due to inactivity in making it happen. However, unlike other complicated compensation plans, efusjon creates an opportunity that is easy for anyone to join and become successful. Remember, you personally only need to enroll three people into the energy club, and those three will enroll three, and on and on. This is the meaning of the Power of 3. Discover the possibilities!


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